Object to Phone for Ninjas

Meet Replica4D, the most customizable visual magic app on the market. Bend space and time by producing any object from Google, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or your client's website. Things jump out of photos and bounce around, trapped inside your phone, tablet, or computer, then pop into physical reality.

FAQ and User Videos

Watch user-videos and find all your questions answered.

Is this real? It looks like editing or CGI

It's very real but it's new and well filmed. Here are some reviews and sightings of Replica4D in the wild that we are allowed to share (others you have to find by yourself...)

Replica4D is gets the impossible 300% rating by the Wizard Magic Review 

Screen recording of Wizard Magic Review. Link to source.

User Showcase Replica4D

Patrick Kun's makes watch jump from client's website

Screen recording of Instagram video. Link to original.

Deliveroo pops Reeses out of phone

Screen recording of Deliveroo Reese's Branding Magic. Magic Singh on Instagram.

Facebook makes Oreo cookies

Screen recording of Patrick Kun's Facebook video. Link to original.

Apple Airtags with Boomerang feature

Screen recording of Instagram video by Micky Wong. Link to original.

Most things ever pulled from app

Screen recording of Instagram video by Sushil Jaiswal. Link to original.

Burning your fingers in Japan: 

Ryota on YoutubeLink to source.

Freaking out McDonald's customers in Holland: 

Peter Vogel on Facebook Link to source.

Amazon Instant in New Delhi: 

Screen recording of Instagram Post Sushil Jaiswal. Link to source.

Our very first customer in the UK demoing his customized version on Instagram: 

Screen recording of Instagram Rooster Robertson. Link to source.

Expert time travel showmanship aboard a cruise ship in French Polynesia: 

Screen recording of YouTube Gustavo Vierini. Link to YouTube original and Link to Instagram original.

Replica4D becomes a X-mas miracle in Singapore: 

Screen recording of Instagram Javen Loh. Link to source.

Japanese Flag turns 3D in Hong Kong: 

Screen recording of Instagram Micky Wong. Link to source.

Paris fashion icon Hérmes produces digital perfume: 

James Harrington on Instagram. Link to source.

Our first customer in India with a charming sponge ball routine:

Youtube repost to our channel Dr. Munawar Pasha. Link to source.

Integrated into a larger routine in Singapore:

Screencast of Instagram video Cassidy Lee. Link to source.

What are people saying about it?

Click here for some stellar and unsolicited reviews and testimonials by users and experts.

Do I have to buy separate apps for iOS and Android?

No. It's good for both. You buy Replica4D and get a download link and login that works on both iOS and Android. Many magicians have multiple devices so it wouldn't be fair to make them buy separate apps.

Can I see how it works?

Sure. The features are mind boggling. That's why the Magic Apps Group on Facebook did an entire one-hour special on Replica4D with inventor and coder Steve Sheraton.

Which Android devices are supported?

All good ones. If it doesn't work on your gadget, we'll just refund your money. 

Which iPhones and iOS are supported?

All "new" and powerful devices starting from iPhone 8, XR, XS and up but we have happy customers on iPhone 6. Minimum iOS 12.4. Fully supports iOS 15 and up.

Can I use an iPad or Android tablet?

Hell yeah!* Pull big stuff from screens thanks to the latest release and free update to Replica4D.

Does it work on a PC or Mac?

Absolutely!* If you don't have a touch screen just use a mouse or the keyboard. Bluetooth game controllers are great for "hands-off" action.

How do I download this? Do I have to wait?

Instantly. After a successful payment, PayPal immediately sends you to your login- and download page. There you download the app straight to your home screen where it can be used without requiring internet. You can return to the download page anytime on any smartphone to download more copies of the app. Your email confirmation contains all pertinent links as well.

Can I use my client's website, weChat, Safari, Mail, Amazon, Google...

Yes. Replica4D provides the framework to use just about any app or website from which you pull objects. Lots of customers use their clients' apps or websites to create highly topical effects.

Is it easy to do?

Yes but you'll need to reserve an hour to learn how it works.
Replica4D is an extremely sophisticated, highly customizable app. It requires you to watch the expert tutorial videos and/or read the detailed instructions. 50 minutes of video will teach you all the settings and handlings. Another 45 minutes will teach you all the routines you see on this website. After that, the sky is the limit. And if you get stuck you can always chat with us.

Will I spend hours customizing this?

No. Replica4D comes pre-filled with tons of stuff so you don't have to spend time if you don't want to. You can also import pre-made custom setups (entire routines like pulling sponge balls from Amazon, for example). Customizing is very intuitive, all done on the phone and our videos walk you through everything step by step.

Who was first with object from smartphone apps?

Hottrix iVegas, Apr 16, 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Ias9CPpvM
Marty’s Coin Trick, October 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glI_OzbvrU0
Hottrix Magic Wallet, May 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHI-Po9E844
Hottrix Magic Wallet Pro Beta (multiple custom objects), August 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTCPYwAp-PM
Halskov Card 2 Phone, June 2010: https://themagiccafe.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=368777&start=0
Steve Sheraton (founder of Hottrix) Magic Wallet Pro renamed to Replica4D September 2018: https://www.replica4d.com

Are there other apps that allow you to produce any object from any website or app?

No. Producing any object (or multiples) from any social media, app, or website (through the front or side of the screen) directly or after trapping it inside the phone by shake, tap, slide, timer, remote control) is unique to Replica4D. 
Here are some interesting alternatives in case you're on a budget: There is an app called Predict N' Grab (Artur Santos), which allows you to pull an entire Instagram photo from the phone as an end to a mentalism routine. Patrick Kun has an app-free Instagram solution called Instagrab to pull a card from a photo. Both of those heavily rely on Hottrix' slightly awkward  side-slider move from MAGIC Live 2009 ("popularized" by Halskov's C2P) but are valid options if you require less flexibility at a lower budget.

Can I just pull objects straight out of the screen without them floating around inside the phone?

Yes, you can. Here are the 3 popular ways to materialize an object with Replica4D.
1) You can touch a post (or trigger a timer) and instantly hold an object that was previously inside a photo.
2) You can shake (or trigger a timer) and make an object jump out of a photo into the phone and THEN "pull" it out (or let it jump out the phone).
3) Closing any of the apps reveals your "home screen" from where a predefined (or improvised) number of objects can appear by shake, touch, or timer and from where you can "pluck" objects or make them jump out.

Which Replica4D preset is right for me? Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp?

It doesn't matter because you can make tons of separate app versions, then pick the one that best suits your audience. Just because you've never touched Instagram doesn't mean that your audience doesn't have a strong emotional connection to it and considers it an indisputably "real place that can't be tinkered with"...

Will the app totally look like my Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp?

Yes, it will. Or your Email, News, Amazon...
Remember: Nobody knows what your Instagram or Facebook newsfeed looks like because it's your friends' content that shows up there, not your own. It's like your email inbox: Nobody knows what's in there, but everyone can reach you if they know your email address. As a result you can be colorful and don't need to recreate your own previous real posts. The trick post looks like one of your friends' photos that captured your interest. You then turn this post into something magical either intentionally or "accidentally". 

Can a post also appear on my real Instagram or Facebook?

Yes. You can perform magic with something you posted yourself very recently; Those DO show up in your newsfeed. For instance, you could post a selfie with a folded card in front of the venue at which you're performing that night, then later make that card be the one a spectator chose by plucking it out of Instagram. This type of image would be worth posting to your real Instagram too, so people who look you up after the show could stare at it in disbelief, while your followers would see you busy at a nice gig.

Is it difficult to make custom 3D objects?

Not at all. You take up to 4 pictures of the object with your iPhone. Depending on object you'll crop the image (all done still in the camera or in the Photos app). You then import those images into the Replica4D Engine (integrated in the app) where you define "bouncy edges" (Physics Boundaries) with 2 sliders. You then shrink or enlarge the composition to exactly match the real world object. Lastly you pick a sound from the library that best represents your object appearing inside the phone.

Why are you not on the App Store

We tried. Hard. For years. Apple's Developer Guidelines were just not created with magicians in mind. In essence, there is a zero tolerance clause for replicating the look and behavior of anything created by Apple or other well known brands. Also it is strictly prohibited to create multiple apps with the same code-base. Both of those are essential to our Replica4D vision. We tried to comply but the app became more and more unusable to magicians and less amazing to audiences. On the upside, using PWA technology we can sell it directly, forgoing the 30% Apple commission (vs. 10% PayPal) and pass the savings on to you.

Can I download it to all my phones? What if I get a new phone?

Yes. You can even download it onto a spectator's phone (iOS or Android), though that was never the intention due to the audience management and cleanup involved. When you buy Replica4D you create a  login (user name and password). These login credentials allow you to download the app from our website onto all your devices. Many times. Each time you install a copy, you authorize it with your credentials. From then on it won't ask you for that again.

Could I install it on my friend's phone to gift him the app?

Technically, yes. Ethically, no. We worked hard on this and need to eat. We're super liberal by allowing you to install unlimited versions on your own devices without resorting to skeazy subscription- or upsell plans. Please return the favor by not stealing from us. We record IP addresses and if we find a user's credentials being active in too many places at once we first check if he's a time traveller, then optionally block the account until he returns to our current time/space continuum.

What personal data do you collect?

Your email address (for password retrieval) and your Facebook profile name (when you join the closed Facebook group). When you create your login we also ask for your name and a desired user name. We keep this on file to help you recover your password or change your login details if you lose access to your original email address. When you authorize a new Replica4D app (just downloaded it and open it for the first time) we record your IP address to protect your user credentials from piracy. We don't sell, rent, or make any of this data available to anyone. 

Why Community Pages as a Facebook Group and not a forum?

It's quicker and easier for everyone. Additionally it guarantees a more civil environment. Replica4D is very social media heavy by its very nature, so we don't suspect you have any qualms about using Facebook, except that it's old and clunky...

I have another question

Contact us via Messenger

* Use Replica4D on iPad, tablet, Mac, and PC with the "all screens version". The "small screens" version works on smartphones with iOS and Android.